Co-Parenting Matters

Kids who have parents who can get along… thrive!
We’ve got 40 years of research to prove it!


Thriving Kids Get
Better Grades


Thriving Kids Are Better
Socially Adjusted


Thriving Kids Are
Mentally Healthier

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At Agreed, our mission is to give parents the tools and support to co-parent
their children well. Agreed might be right for you, if:

You are parents who need a co-parenting plan to present to the courts, but are unable communicate without strong emotions.

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You and your co-parent are in gridlock and you want to work together for the best interest of your children and require positive co-parenting and conflict coaching.

You are an employer and want to support your employees dealing with co-parenting issues.

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Oftentimes, parents who otherwise are able to manage most conflicts in their lives, find dealing with their child’s or children’s other parent almost impossible.

…and that research we talked about? Well, 40 years of research has proven that 80% of kids adapt well after their parents’ split and bounce back faster when their parents are more considerate, less combative, and use healthier communication with each other. When parents put their differences aside and put the kids first, they BLOSSOM, FLOURISH, dare we say it…. THRIVE! Kids are supposed to thrive and their is no better gift can you give you kiddos, but to give them every chance to do just that!

Our co-parenting program is ideal if you:

  • Want to put your kids first, but are unable to communicate without strong emotion.
  • Feel that your interactions are especially challenging as it feels like you are both working against each other every step of the way.
  • Want to work together for the best interest of your children and require positive co-parenting and conflict coaching.
  • Want less drama, stress, and combativeness to your interactions.
  • Want to reduce the needless bickering, arguing, and misunderstandings that are emotionally exhausting by providing the tools to deal with your child’s other parent.
  • Want their children to not needlessly feel ‘caught in the middle’.
  • Do not have the desire or funds to return to court to ‘battle it out’ over issues that could be better addressed between themselves.
  • Want to have a smooth transition from parenting together to co-parenting effectively apart.

In addition, we work with co-parents who:

  • Need a working co-parenting plan to file with the courts and are unable to communicate effectively without strong emotion.
  • Co-Parents who want to avoid child custody recommended counseling/mediation.
  • Parents with children who want to avoid an evaluation by a court-ordered mental health professional who will make custody and parenting time recommendations to the courts. Custody evaluations are serious matters — the courts tend to give considerable weight to the evaluator’s recommendations.

How Does it Work?

At Agreed, we whole-heartedly believe that good co-parenting matters! We believe so much in so that we started this company so that parents have the support and guidance to navigate the bumpy road that co-parenting often involves. You both love your kids and want to make them the priority. Let’s do this then!

Agreed is an Online Cooperative Conflict platform to reduce the stress and friction of co-parenting and put the emphasis back on making the lives of your children all the better. Here’s how:

Strategy Session

We meet with both of you individually and find out what is working, what is not working, and what your main goals are.

We create a custom plan to help you both get where you want to be in the co-parenting journey where your kids are the main priority. For couples who require a co-parenting plan, we support you in the creation of mutually satisfactory co-parenting plans to be filed with the courts.

Conflict Coaching

Your conflict coach works with you each individually to find out what is getting in the way of good communication, provide perspective when dealing with your ex, and help in the appreciation of each other’s unique approach to parenting.

Your coach will help you in creating a co-parenting environment where more considerate, less combative, and healthier communication can happen.

& Conflict Education

Managing conflict better often comes down to really understanding how we individually respond to conflict, what triggers can escalate conflict, and how to manage conflict more effectively.

We help you both to understand how to engage with each other more constructively for better-co-parenting. We provide online co-parenting and conflict education personalized just for you!


We’ve been through this ourselves and have the experience to confidently guide and support your desire for a good co-parenting relationship.

You will be assigned a co-parenting coordinator who will be your go-to contact and will answer any questions you may have.

How Good Co-Parenting Matters

Learning how to co-parent effectively and deal with conflict better improves your life, your co-parents life, and especially the kids lives!

Kids whose parents get along have better grades, are more socially adjusted and are mentally healthier. Parents show their kids what that looks like through their own behavior, not just their words.

The Cost of Bad Co-Parenting

Conflict’s negative effects go far beyond those of divorce. In fact, kids with lots of conflict in their lives have the most difficult time psychologically including a tougher time in establishing healthy relationships later in life.

Bad co-parenting can also be expensive. Whether that means your children require therapy due mental health issues, grades sliding, difficulty in social engaging to the cost of attorneys and returning to court. This does not even take into consideration the cost to work performance which can be a 40% drop in productivity!                         


The only thing we can change is our response to conflict. Having the necessary tools to deal with your co-parent can be incredibly helpful.

Online Cooperative Co-Parenting Program

$1,000per person

Our Story

Ever wondered about those couples who thrive after their divorce, get along well with their ex-spouse and co-parent extraordinarily well? They seem to understand that their divorce was but a painful moment in their lives that does not define them. The difference between couples who can get along after the divorce and the ones who cannot often boils down to the behavior that occurred during the divorce!

My divorce itself was mundane . . . the years of constant, stomach-churning conflict afterward was the most drama I never expected.

Every week was some new chaos. A battle over nothing and everything! The damage our divorce had done, made what destroyed our marriage, live ammunition that we hurled at each other whenever we got a chance. We were not aware how it was hurting our children and preventing us from healing and moving forward. It had to stop, but traditional therapy was no help (and expensive) and left me with a feeling that there had to be a better way.

I ugly cried — a lot. I got mad. Then I founded Agreed.


My inner researcher got to work. Speaking to many close personal friends whose divorces were several years long, extremely expensive and combative, made me realize the problem was bigger than what I had experienced. The stress affected personal relationships, their relationships with their children, work and their own health! Destroying one another in the court of law benefited NO ONE. I got busy learning about conflict and became a Certified Conflict Dynamic Profile Practitioner and with my background in web-based software developed the ideas behind our unique methodology. We’ve worked closely with experts in coaching, divorces, counseling, marriage family therapy, educators as well as, parents, psychologists, law enforcement, medical professionals and attorneys to create a cooperative solution that addresses the many difficult issues of divorce and co-parenting. Agreed. empowers people to do conflict better.